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Frilled Parotia
Frilled Parotia
A male
Scientific classification e
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Clade: Inopinaves
Order: Passeriformes
Suborder: Passeri
Infraorder: Corvida
Superfamily: Corvoidea
Family: Paradisaeidae
Subfamily: Paradisaeinae
Genus: Parotia
Species: P. chlamicollis
Binomial name
Parotia chlamicollis
Travis, 2299

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The Frilled Parotia, Parotia chlamicollis is a species of a parotia. It is considered vulnerable because of the destruction of its habitat, however; its populations seem to be steadily going up.

Other names[]

Green-necked Parotia


Unmistakable. The male is a rich satiny, black plumage. "Skirt" is iridescent green bordered with grey. Frills on side of the neck are bright green, but may not be noticeable in thick canopy, as it does refract light. Females are similar except they lack the frill and skirt. Eyes are bright blue. Bill, legs and feet are a greenish-black. Both sexes have 6-8 wires on their heads.

Similar species[]

It is similar to other parotias, but they lack the frill on the side of the neck. Ranges do not overlap with other species.



It feeds mostly on fruits and insects.


Khh kaakkk.[2] Some nasal twitterings, may not be heard from far away.

It is one of the most common species that can be heard in the dawn chorus.


Males form leks in which females may come to. During courtship, they perform ballerina-like dances and spread out their "skirt" on a patch of forest floor they have meticulously cleaned of dead leaves and other debris.[3] The "ballerina dances" usually consist of the male hopping from foot and bobbing their heads from side to side.


It is only found in Devonshire and Shire.


  1. ^ Future IUCN
  2. ^ BirdLife species factsheet: Wahnes's Parotia
  3. ^ Scholes III, Edwin (2008): Evolution of the courtship phenotype in the bird of paradise genus Parotia (Aves: Paradisaeidae): homology, phylogeny, and modularity. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society "'94'": 491-504. [1]
